I’ve been hearing about the wonders of Monoprix in France long before I started this website. Everyone from fashion editors to in-the-know travelers raved about scouring Monoprix for downright cheap inexpensive French souvenirs. But while the bargains are fun, I wanted to see a Monoprix mostly because I was curious about what items regular Parisians shop for on a day-to-day basis.

Monoprix is more than just a grocery store– it’s like a French supermarket and department store combined (similar to a mini version of an American Target store). You’ll find Monoprix stores all over in France, including right in the heart of Paris.

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Why Monoprix is the Perfect Stop for France Souvenirs in Paris: One Stop Shopping

I’ve visited Paris many times, but my most recent visit was limited to a quick a day trip from Brussels (which is only an hour and twenty minutes away via high-speed Thalys train). With only eight hours in Paris, I didn’t have time to check out every hidden corner of the city to shop, so I stopped by a Monoprix in the 4th arrondissement on my way back to Gare du Nord.

At Monoprix, I was able to pick up everything from French cheese, to biscuits, to soaps and sponges all in one twenty-minute trip. I ended up bringing home a pile of souvenirs just for me, along with plenty of extras to give away as gifts, at giveaway prices.

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What to Buy at a Monoprix Supermarket in France

I’m not the only one who loves Monoprix– insiders stock up on their favorites when visiting France. My friend (and part-time Parisian) Cecile raves about Monoprix’s classic children’s French clothing— like navy blue striped shirts and Petit Bateau branded clothing. Cecile also makes sure to pack several bars Le Petit Marseillais soaps in her luggage.

My friend Johanna, who makes frequent visits to France with her French husband Antoine, loves everything about Monoprix— she singles out their “really cute awesome socks that you can’t get anywhere else in the world.” Bonus: look for Johanna’s personal take on my picks throughout the post.

As I was in a hurry when I visited Monoprix, rushing to catch my train back to Brussels, I didn’t have time to comb through everything (I wish I’d known about the clothes and socks before my visit). But I did scan the shelves for anything and everything edible, and also checked out the kitchen and bath items.

I tried to keep in mind that many food souvenir items can’t be brought back through US customs, but as this website also has a large European readership, I didn’t want to leave off some classic French items that I was surprised to find in a supermarket at all (jarred pot au feu anyone?)

My conclusion? Of all the foreign supermarkets I’ve been to so far, France’s Monoprix is my favorite. But I’m biased towards all things French, having spent a summer living with a French family in Lyon as a teen, which sparked a life-long love of the country.

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While I really loved shopping Monoprix, I wonder if a regular French grocery store might have a wider variety of brands. Monoprix carries many items under its own label so its brand options in some categories was pretty limited (I only saw two types of French jam, for example [Ed. note: read on– Johanna solves this mystery later in the post].

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I hope to visit a regular, non-Parisian supermarket this spring and add any additional souvenir finds in a future post.

My list of thirty-one Monoprix supermarket souvenirs below has both non-food and edible items (non-food stuff is listed first). I also threw in a few photos of how I gifted my French supermarket souvenirs (to read the full how-to’s and see all the photos, check out my last post on how to create your own DIY souvenir gifts).

Finally, if there was a comparable online source, I also included that so when you use up your souvenir supply you’ll at least have the option to restock (in some cases the price differential is small in others it’s astronomical– scroll to the bottom for a complete list).

Update: I just added this video featuring some additional (some already featured) French souvenirs.

But enough chatter, on to the souvenirs–

1. French Soap

French soap Le Petit Marseillais Monoprix supermarket and grocery souvenirs

Soap has been crafted in France since the middle ages. While there may be fancier brands out there, I still loved this cheap bar of supermarket soap about 1.5 euros). Available in a variety of scents, I love the orange blossom and savon au lait (milk).

When I run out of my favorite le petit marseillais soaps, I restock in bulk here (orange blossom), sweet almond oil or the classic brut.

2. Pocket Wash cloths

Wash cloths France Monoprix supermarket souvenirs

I stocked up on several of these cute pocket wash cloths (I liked the white with navy trim best).

For a similar version, check out these french wash mitts.

Bonus: French soap + washcloth= cheap but luxe gift (see our last post for details)

Paris souvenirs French Supermarket gift souvenirs from Monoprix what to buy

Voila– put the soap and wash cloth together with a little ribbon and you have a French supermarket gift for under five bucks.

3. French Bath Gel

Paris, France souvenirs from Monoprix supermarket bath wash savon

Not a fan of soap? Marseille bath gel is another great bargain.

Johanna’s take: this body wash is both cheap and awesome.

While the savon naturel is a bit spendy online (but it does last forever), the petit marseillais bath gel version is a bargain.

4. Colorful Makeup Bags








These colorful designs caught my eye.

5. Striped French Kitchen Towels

French flag striped dish towels kitchen towels Paris souvenirs Monoprix supermarket

These thick French kitchen towels are super absorbent and durable. Different color options are available, but I loved the towels with the same stripes as on the French flag.

French dish towel kitchen towel tea towel souvenir Paris France Monoprix

At first glance, you might think French dish towels are huge, but they are actually intended to be cut into two towels at the seam.

Note: thank you for the corrections in the comments, these are not officially dishtowels, but mop towels. No matter I use them as dishtowels anyway.

6. French Vegetable Sponges

French vegtable sponges Monoprix supermarket Paris souvenirs cheap

Sponges might seem like an unusual “souvenir” but once you try these traditional French vegetable-based sponges, which are made in France (as indicated on the package) you won’t go back to synthetic. They feel so much nicer to hold and squeeze.









Johanna’s take: Johanna confirms that Spontex sponges are made in France, in the city where her husband Antoine’s parents live– Beauvais (in Picardie, about an hour north of Paris). Johanna notes the stark contrast of the storybook-perfect village of Beauvais, with its gorgeous cathedral, bright green grass, fast-moving, puffy clouds and light blue sky– against the reality of the sponge factory (“smells like rubber when the wind blows the wrong way!”)

The smell is so overwhelming that Johanna admits she “couldn’t bear to actually buy the sponges. Such a mistake because Antoine says they really are the best ever.”

Note: spontex sponges are not available is US at any cost online (at least I couldn’t find any) so stock up while you’re there.

Bonus: French Dish towel + Sponges= Cheap but Practical Gift

Best French souvenirs from Paris supermarkets Monoprix

For the person who says, don’t bring me anything– this gift is at least certain to be used.

7. French Cheese






I regretted not having time to visit a fromagerie, but decided to make do with supermarket cheese available at Monoprix. I was very skeptical when I saw how low the prices were, but figured they were so cheap that even if I bought some duds it wasn’t a big deal.

On the next leg of my European trip, I stopped in London to visit a friend. One night we broke open one of the packages of cheese for a little snack.  The cheese was so delicious that we ended up devouring almost all of it (only one sole package of Comte made it home to New York).

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Next time, I won’t second guess myself and will stuff my suitcase full of French cheese.

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8. French Yogurt in Glass Jars

French yogurt glass jar strawberry raspberry supermarket souvenirs from Monoprix

French yogurt probably isn’t a great idea to bring home, but it’s too delicious to skip. Eat the yogurt, then bring home the pretty glass jars.

9. French Butter

French butter sea salt supermarket souvenir from Monoprix

You can’t go wrong with French butter. Also look for butters from Normandy.

Shipping on french butter is not cheap, so this is definitely another one to stock up on (get it on your last day and it should be fine for the flight home).

10. Dried Thyme

bag dried thyme france souvenir

I knew thyme was an essential herb in French cooking but had never seen it sold by the bag before. I’m not sure if this product is actually from France as the label seems to be Dutch (?)

Johanna’s take: Thyme is actually used quite often in French recipes – more than you realize. Antoine is always using it, along with rosemary, in just about everything. It’s part of the traditional provençal herbs.

11. Soups







France is known for its amazing soups and broths. I found jarred fish soup (a French classic) as well as dry soups like mushroom and vegetable. I didn’t bring any home so I can’t comment on the flavor. My mom picked up some French bouillon, but hasn’t used it yet (I’ll update the post when I have additional comments).

Johanna’s take: Antoine swears by French bouillon – he hates the American version.

You can pick up French stock here– French stock broth veal knorr Fond de Veau

12. French Fleur de Sel

fleur de sel from French supermarket Paris Monoprix souvenir grocery store

Fleur de Sel at the Monoprix was far cheaper than the fleur de sel at my local New York City gourmet grocery store. To save even more, buy a big bag.

When I run out of fleur de sel, I restock with the still pretty reasonably priced Le Saunier de Camargue.

13. French Lentils from Le Puy

French lentils supermarket souvenir from Paris

Don’t be fooled by the green lentil knockoffs– Le Puy lentils always have an AOC designation to indicate they are actually grown in that region.

I don’t have a before photo of the lentils on the shelves– this is how I repackaged them at home for gifts. Green lentils from Le Puy are totally different from standard lentils (firmer and more delicious I think), as they are grown in a very specific microclimate in a volcanic region of France.

I prepare Le Puy lentils by steaming them, then tossing in a mustard vinaigrette, and topping with a poached egg.

I go through Le Puy lentils quickly– my go to brands to order are from Sabarot and from Roland.

14. French Dijon Mustard
Mustard from French supermarket souvenir Maille

I was disappointed that this turned out to be my only photo of the shelves of mustard– the actual selection much more extensive. Although I didn’t see the brand Amore mustard there, I did learn later that the “extra strong” Amore variety was recommended, so I ordered some online.

15. French Dressing








I took an intensive recreational course at a New York cooking school and learned how to whisk together the perfect French vinaigrette. But sometimes I get lazy and reach for a bottled dressings. I didn’t bring these home but wish I had– now I’m wondering if they’re any good.

Johanna’s take: Johanna promised me the traditional recipe for French vinaigrette handed down from her husband’s grandmother– using all only-in-France ingredients. Look for it in a future post!

I regret not bringing home the Amora dressing which I’ve heard has a cult-like following. It’s often sold out online but sometimes I see it pop up again (I just ordered my own Amora dressing).

16. Olive oil from France
French tuna in olive oil individual serving Monoprix

What intrigued me most about Monoprix’s French olive oil section were these mini “single serving” sizes. Perfect for a picnic or to bring with your lunch to the office. [Ed. Note: Thanks to several readers who explained this is not olive oil, but tuna in olive oil- perfect for making a nicoise salad!]

17. Fancy French Sauces

French bechamel instant mix from MonoprixFrench sauces like bechamel and hollandaise can is tricky to make from scratch (the sauce can easily break if you’re not careful) so I would be curious if a ready-made version would be an alternative.

18. Colorful Tins of Sardines








I’m not a big fan of canned sardines but these were so pretty to look at I brought home a tin anyway.

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Also available here: Connetable– Sardines aa L’ancienne I’Huile d’Olive Vierge Extra

[box type=”alert”]Note on US Customs and Poultry and Meat Items

While you might immediately dismiss anything with meat and poultry as not US customs-friendly, that is not always the case. While you can’t bring in any meat at all (beef, lamb etc) because of restrictions on countries impacted by foot and mouth disease, poultry is a different matter.

See also  What Souvenirs to Buy in Italy: Exploring the Best Italian Souvenirs.

Duck from France (as in foie gras and confit) is sometimes allowed through US customs, depending on the region it’s from and how it’s packaged. Check US customs regulations for specifics. Readers from the EU will have a lot more options of course.[/box]

19. Foie Gras








It didn’t really surprise me to find foie gras at the Monoprix– but what did surprise me was how much of it there was– so many different cans and jars in all sizes and varieties.

If you eat foie gras you probably know it’s pricey– but you can get french foie gras here.

20. French Confit de Canard and Cassoulet







I’ve only seen D’artagnan confit vacuum-packed (in whole duck legs) at my local supermarket, so I wasn’t even aware that confit could be canned. And cassoulet? My understanding of cassoulet is that it is far too complicated to attempt to make at home so it’s best enjoyed in a restaurant. I’ve never seen a ready-made version but would love to try it.

Johanna’s take: We have these very same cassoulet tins! Antoine brought them from France years ago and we always have a tin on hand for a long winter weekend.

Tinned cassoulet with some potatoes is easy and total comfort food– most people don’t want to do it in their homes because the frying and cooking smells linger in the home for hours after; it’s like frying bacon – it takes forever to get the smell out of the kitchen.

But it tastes heavenly and is really simple. Come over one day and Antoine can make it for us. [Ed. note: Johanna, I’m there!]

I couldn’t find the identical brands, but similar canned duck confit and cassoulet here.

21. French Terrine

French terrine Monoprix Paris supermarket souvenir

Terrine can be made from anything, so if you’re coming back to the US, make sure you learn the French words for beef, pork, duck and chicken (boeuf, porc, canard, poulet) so you know what you can’t bring back to the US.

Johanna’s take: Terrine…I hate it. I hate lumpy pates – but Antoine loves it. I much prefer mousse pate, which can be best found at the traiteur. [Ed. note: a traiteur is like a French version of a delicatessen].

I love terrine but haven’t tried the jarred French versions– there is a selection available here.

22. French Sauccises

French sausages Monoprix supermarket canned

I’ve had yummy French sausages in bistros before but never have they resembled hot dogs like these canned sausages, served with lentils.

23. French Pot Au Feu

 Blanquette de veau pot-au-feu, jar supermarket monoprix france

I was perhaps most surprised to see dishes I considered pretty complex and rich– like blanquette de veau and pot-au-feu, served up in a jar on a supermarket shelf.

24. French Jam
French jam supermarket Monoprix souvenir

I was hoping to find more French jams on the shelves of Monoprix, but they only had a couple of brands (including Bonne Maman, which I dismissed because I can get at my local bodega).

I didn’t have time to check out other grocery store chains on this visit, but I would have liked to see what other jam brands are available (baker, blogger and American expat in Paris David Lebovitz recommends the brand Christine Ferber).

Johanna’s take: As for jams – many French women make their own. Antoine’s mother makes her own, his aunt makes her own, their grandmothers made their own, and we have jars from a friend’s mother too. You have to try it.

While jams are still far better homemade, Bonne Maman is a great alternative –note that the ingredients are far better when bought in France than here in the US. Or at least, that’s what Antoine thinks. They also have much more variety in France, particularly for fruits which are particular to France and not found in the US.

25. French Cookies and Biscuits
Bonne Maman Tartelettes citron French supermarket souvenirs

While Bonne Maman jams are widely available in the US, I’ve only seen a small selection of Bonne Maman cookies here, which is really unfortunate.

Monoprix has an enormous selection of Bonne Maman cookies– and having taste tested many a few, I can confirm they are delicious. My favorites are these addictive lemon tartelettes (fortunately, the lemon tartelettes are available online for restock purposes).

Also not impossible to find: St. Michel Galettes Salted Butter, Le Mere Poulard Sables, Lu Pepito,  Lu Choco BN French sandwich cookies (supposedly a favorite of every French child).





Of course, there were lots of other French cookie brands, but there was only so much I could bring home.

26. French Crepes and Galettes








I’m sure others will disagree with me, but I bought packaged crepes and galettes and thought they were delicious (and a quick way to make crêpes complètes).

I also ordered these online– french crepes, 12 pack, and these irresistible looking chocolate crepes.

27. Chestnut spreadFrench chestnut spread supermarket souvenirs

I wasn’t sure how to use this pretty tube of chestnut paste (I bought it for its pretty packaging). So I consulted the forums on Chowhound for advice (Chowhound is one of my go-to resources for food questions).

While I haven’t tried these out myself yet, I learned that chestnut paste can be used as a filling for crepes, squeezed over ice cream or used to marble brownies.

Chestnut creme can usually be found in the US in gourmet grocery stores or order it here.

28. Potato Cake Mixes

potato cakes Paris France supermarket souvenir

These little potato cakes looked irresistible. I love the wooden tongs on the cover.

29. French Candy

France's most popular candy: Haribo Targadas, carambars, sea salt caramels and Hollywood gum

France’s most popular candy: Haribo Targadas, carambars, sea salt caramels and Hollywood gum (look for a post on Hollywood gum coming soon).

These candies are all top sellers in France and I thought they were all delicious– my favorites are the carambars, which are like a chewier, less sweet version of Starburst.

Johanna’s Take: ANTOINE LOVES TAGADA! That is so funny! Seriously, Tagada was a favorite candy from his childhood.
You can restock these here– Haribo Tagada, and carambar carmels.

30. Packaged Bakery Goodies













If I hadn’t already filled up my bags, I would have definitely picked up some of these prepackaged pound cakes and pain au chocolat to sample. Of course they won’t compare to fresh-baked but I wondered if they were better than the American equivalent.

Johanna’s take: Antoine LOVES madelines. That is his breakfast on-the-go, but he can’t find any good madelines in the US.

Johanna– pick up some madelaines here! Also quatre-quarts which are French cakes made with four ingredients.

31. French Booze










Of course you know you can find French wine on the cheap in the supermarket. But for a less common booze souvenirs, pick up an anise-flavored apertif like Pastis.

French Groceries Online Shopping List for Restocking

Of course it’s cheaper and better to get these at the source, but when restocking is necessary here’s an easy Amazon list for french supermarket items that are even available here. Note: I picked the most economical choices (which certain cases is spendy) and prime when available and only authentic french brands:

  • Le petit marseillais soaps, orange blossom), sweet almond oil or the classic brut
  • French wash mitts.
  • French bath gel savon naturel is a bit spendy online (but it does last forever), the petit marseillais bath gel version is a bargain
  • French butter (pay attention to shipping costs
  • French stock broth veal knorr Fond de Veau
  • Salt (Le Saunier de Camargue.)
  • Mustard– “extra strong” Amore
  • Amora dressing
  • Connetable– Sardines aa L’ancienne I’Huile d’Olive Vierge Extra
  • french foie gras
  • canned duck confit
  • cassoulet
  • jarred French terrine
  • lemon tartlettes
  • St. Michel Galettes Salted Butter,
  • Le Mere Poulard Sables,
  • Lu Pepito,
  • Lu Choco BN French sandwich cookies
  • chocolate crepes
  • french crepes, 12 pack,
  • Chestnut creme
  • Haribo Tagada,
  • carambar carmels.
  • madelaines here
  • quatre-quarts French cakes made with four ingredients.

Readers– have you tried any of these Monoprix supermarket finds? Do you have others to recommend? Share your tips in the comments below!










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