Swedish Candy Shop in Stockholm: A Perfect Souvenir

stockholm candy shop storeThe gentle owner of Konfektyrbutik, an old-fashioned candy shop in the old district (Gamla Stan) of Stockholm, told me the story of how he almost lost his prize pig.  According to the shop owner, he proudly kept a large marzipan pig in his shop window as part of an elaborate candy display.

Until one day, when the self-proclaimed “Anti-Christ Superstar” Marilyn Manson and his entourage stopped by the shop and inquired,  “how much for the pig?”

The owner demurred, explaining the pig was part of the display and not for sale.  Manson, an avid pig collector, was undeterred and kept insisting that he must have that pig, offering to pay top dollar.  But the shop owner stood his ground, and ultimately, Manson walked out, pigless.

I asked the shop owner where the pig was now. He pointed to the top shelf, in the far corner of the shop.

swedish candy store

If you look closely you can see the pig, partially obscured by large tins. Is he hidden from Manson in case of another visit? The shop owner had no comment.

large marzipan pig

Close up of pig.

After hearing more charming stories about other celebrity visits (including by a famous US President with a weakness for Swedish chocolate) we explored the shop.

swedish chocolate stockholm

Handmade chocolate is the shop’s specialty.

Swedish hard candy

Bins of hard Swedish candy were irresistible.

swedish pigs candy

 Swedish truffles in by Skargardskonfekt.

Creatively packaged Swedish truffles in a cone by Skargardskonfekt.

swedish candy red

Not sure what these tempting red Swedish candies are– maybe a hard gummy candy?

swedish licorice

These colorful striped candies are licorice and fondant mix.

swedish chocolate balls

These Swedish confectionaries are known as “chokladboll,” and are a mash up of oatmeal, sugar, coffee, cocoa, and butter.

chocolate football soccer ball

For the sports fanatic, a life-size chocolate football.


swedish lollipop tutti fruitti

Swedish lollipops– pack these carefully, they’re fragile.

swedish licorice candy

Swedish licorice.

apelsin candy swedish

swedish lollipops candyInstead of a pig, dangling lollipops now adorn the shop window.

See also  Finding Norwegian Sweaters at the Source: a Visit to the Dale of Norway Factory and Outlet Store

Do you love Swedish candy?  Tell us about it in the comments below!

See also  Harry Potter gift shop at Platform 9 3/4, London: A Photo Tour

Want to read more about Swedish souvenir shopping?  Check out these posts:
Dala Horse:  Adorable Souvenir or Devil’s plaything?
Walk through a Swedish Fairytale at the Christmas Market

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