In my local market back home in New York, I shop for produce, then head home.

At the market I visited in the Chatelain neighborhood of Brussels, I shopped for produce, then enjoyed a glass of champagne. I sampled jams, taste-tested cheese and learned about foraging mushrooms in the forests of Belgium. And had a glass of wine. I devoured a plate of oysters and burned my tongue on a piping hot Belgian waffle. And had just one more glass of wine.

Chatelain market Brussels champagne bar

chatelain market happy hour wine brussels



On Wednesday evenings, Chatelain market is a popular happy hour spot for the area’s young professionals.

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In Brussels, the Chatelain market is more than just a functional way to get your groceries– it is an entire immersive experience, complete with adult beverages.
Locals come to the market not only to shop, but also to hang out after work and have drinks or snacks. Chatelain is close to the center of Brussels (I arrived via taxi in ten minutes) but off most tourists’ radar. I didn’t see a thing written about it in my guidebooks– but I was lucky to be tipped off by my excellent concierge at the Stanhope Hotel.

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Brussels food market Chatlain Belgium
Brussels Belgium Food Market Chatelain eggs
Brussels Belgium Food Market Chatelain fruit vegetables

The market has a friendly, festive atmosphere– I had fun converations with many of the vendors here. While it’s true that not every item here can be brought home (to America at least) as a souvenir (skip the meats and fresh veggies), there are plenty of items that are pack and customs friendly. As for the others, they can at least be enjoyed back at your hotel.

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Belgian Food Souvenirs from Chatelain Market

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1. Local Jams

Brussels Belgium Food Market Chatelain jam

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2. Belgian Cheese

begian cheese brussels chatelain market

The cheese selection was enormous– with not only Belgian cheese specialties but plenty of imports from bordering France. Keep these cheeses in your mini bar like I did.

3.  Belgian Wild Mushrooms

Belgium wild mushrooms forest chatelain market vendor

You won’t find these local mushrooms anywhere else– they are wild foraged in the forests of Belgium.

Vendor chatelain market mushrooms

The vendors here seemed accustomed to publicity. As I photographed this friendly vendor’s mushrooms, he good-naturedly mentioned the last journalist he spoke with was from the BBC– and spoke perfect French.

4. Nuts

vendor nuts chatelain market brussels

Check customs rules for specifics, but most nuts are OK to bring back.

5. Belgian Candy and Cuberdons

Candy is always a great item to bring home and very pack-friendly. I picked up a bag of the famous Belgian cuberdons here (more about these in later post, but they are basically berry-flavored jellied candies).

6. Bread

belgium bread chatelain market brussels

Belgium has some beautiful breads– but I would only chance bringing home a fresh-baked loaf if you are flying out the next day. Otherwise, it’s perfect to enjoy during your stay with some delicious local cheese.

Chatelain Market: Stock up on Snacks

Chatelain market also has lots of fresh food options that would be great for a picnic or just for snacking on later back at the hotel.

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sausages from belgium chatelain market

Haven’t tried a Belgian sausage yet? Here’s your chance.

belgium rotisserie chicken vendor brussels chatelain market

These rotisserie chickens looked (and smelled) divine.

Prepared Foods

brussels farmers market belgium

This vendor had delicious salads, olives and tapenades.

belgium quiche chatelain brussels market

I picked up a demi (half) quiche for a snack for later.

Fruits and Vegetables


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Thanks to Visit Brussels and the Stanhope Hotel.

Have you been to Chatelain market? What are your favorite European markets?

Brussels Belgium Food Market Chatelain jams

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